David Lynn Headlines DSM Dyneema and EHS Today’s ‘Zero Excuses Campaign’

Hand injuries – like the vast majority of workplace injuries – are preventable. Still, year after year, hand injuries are among the leading causes of missed workdays and emergency-room visits, costing employers millions of dollars in workers’ compensation costs and lost productivity.

That’s why DSM Dyneema and EHS Today launched the “Zero Excuses” campaign in October 2012. Appropriately, “zero excuses” was the theme of a Dyneema/EHS Today luncheon at the American Society of Safety Engineers’ 2014 Professional Development Conference and Expo in Orlando, Fla.

“Zero excuses is more than just a clever phrase,” said keynote speaker David Lynn, CSP, vice president of signature services for Greenville, S.C.-based Life and Safety Consultants Inc.

“Zero excuses means that you accept the fact that you’re accountable [for hand safety] and that you control it.”

Check out the article posted on EHS Today’s website here.